Donut Chart

A donut chart displays quantitative information through a circular visualization.

Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
id :string The id of the chart "donutchart"
Required value * :string The value key of the data.
Required category * :string The category key of the data.
label :string The label of the data. ""
show_animation :boolean Whether to show animation when the chart is rendered. false
show_label :boolean Whether to show the label. false
show_tooltip :boolean Whether to show the tooltip on hover. true
no_data_text :string The text to display when there is no data. ""
value_format :string The format to use for the value. "(,.0f"
pad_angle :float The padding angle between slices in radians. 0.014
inner_radius_percent :float The inner radius of the donut chart as a percentage of the outer radius. 0.75
padding :integer The vertical padding between the chart and the container. 8
Required data * :list The data to display on the chart
colors :list The colors to use for each category []
class :string css classes to apply to the chart wrapper container
variant :string The variant of the chart "donut"
rest :global